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Details Category: Guideline 



 1Make correction as indicated by the Editor/ Reviewrs.
 2Provide all figures as JPEG/ TIFF files.
 3Figures: If created using Excel; scan the figures at grey-scale to yield 300 dpi (or more) and save the files in TIFF/JPEG format.
 4Figures : If created in a program which enables you to save it as TIFF/JPEG format, please do so.
 5Papers should be typewritten double spaced on one side of A4 paper, and with a margin of one inch all round. Text in Times New Roman Font; 11 pts.
 6References in alphabetical order, and citations in text need no numbering.
 7Synopsis as required in a Guideline is attached.
 8Use Manuscript Revision/ Rebuttal form for any comments. (separate sheets with the same format are acceptable).
 9Guidelines and all documents attached herewith are useful to be referred in correcting the manuscript. All documents should be return within 3 weeks from the date of receiving this letter after all the amendments are done